I was in England last week. I arrived two days after my dad's birthday and left on my sister's birthday. She was out of town anyway, but I left her a couple of presents from my recent trip to Japan.
Im babbling, but I did do some things worthy of posting while there. Er...
I went to the Baltic. There was an exhibit by a South African guy. It was mostly statues of Jesus and Astroboy with wax cocks stuck on.

Ashcroft's solo efforts have never failed to disappoint. I've seen him 3 times, on the principle that I knew it'd be shite, but Id kick myself for not going. On his last tour he'd incorporated his collaborations with UNKLE. There were a lot of pot-bellied builders and weekend millionaires with terrible haircuts, stripey tops and scarves to hide their jowls. But when The Verve reunited as a four-piece, I had to witness it. And at the historic Empress Ballroom, no less. Listing the bands who've played their would be pointless- suffice to say if I like them or youve heard of them, they've played there.
They didnt reinvent the wheel, but they at least gave me what I hoped for, rather than what I expected. Ashcroft loped out in a home-made T-shirt and cardigan. Flanked by his bassist and lead guitarist, it was like peeling pack ten years. Ashcroft had very little banter with the crowd, but at his solo efforts it's been more to justify a song or album which was slated by the critics. Which would be most of them. But his voice spoke for itself. And they even surprised me by playing Man Called Sun. Very few people seemed to have heard it before, making me all the more smug.

If they manage an album I doubt I'll like it too much- I didnt like Urban Hymns too much either. But they did their legacy, and their fans, proud.
What else? I saw my wee 4 month-old niece for the first time since she was about a week old. That was nice. I finally watched Eternal Sunshine... I thought it was great. I also watched 300. I was initially disappointed but have enjoyed it much more on return trips. i may even buy the graphic novel, or read the poem by Homer or Virgil or Doherty. Ahaha. I saw my old flatmate Nibbles and bumped into my exgirlfriend, whom I mistook for her far more likeable twin sister. I bought the new Babyshambles album and the new Super Furry Animals album. Davey and co will not believe which one I like. A lot. I managed to do my job as well at home as I'm doing here in Maastricht. Which isnt saying much, except I had a sound excuse for dodging paperwork. I re-watched band of Brothers. And I puked in my girlfriend's toilet and got bitten by her dog in the park. Sooner him than the rottweiler he was tussling with.