It's a wonder I'm even typing this, and my computer may spazz out and show me that blue screen at any moment. It doesn't help that the whole thing is in Dutch. And yes, I've tried changing the language; It doesn't work. Nor does the Norton antivirus which was present when I got it, or the new one I bought last week, which will definitely be charged to the company, converted to Euros and pissed into the Liffey on our birthday visit to Dublin later this week. But I will soldier on, to no end. I'm not big on computers. I've never owned one, * and I'd be quite happy if I never did. But now that I have a digital camera and an addiction to I has a Hotdog, it's a necessary evil. Oh, and this wonderful blog, of course, my raison d'etre.
Anyhoos, as an update, it seems I've curbed the nasty drinking dependence I've been working on for the past 7 years or so, with the help of my girlfriend, so I must thank her for that. I do believe I went almost a week without a drink at one point, and I would say I didn't even think about it more than twenty times a day. * I had a pint after my great-uncle's funeral, and a bottle of Stella at one of my one-year-old niece's two parties, but that was about it. We got a bit boozy last night, after a blissful day reading the sunday papers(tm) and rediscovering The Beatles (if you haven't * heard of them, you should really consider looking them up) but I feel as young Britons, it's our duty to get pissed on the weekend.
We went to see the new Batman the other night... I had expected to be disappointed with the whole thing, and cynical about the praise for Heath Ledger. But I've got to admit, I left the theatre giddy about the whole thing. Granted it was a little long, and Batman's scratchy voice was pretty annoying early on, but I'm * pretty hard-pushed to think of a better movie I've seen, that's been released in the past 10 years. I was even converted to the new-look Batmobile (and kick-ass bike). But a 12A? I have a 12 year-old nephew, and Im not sure I'd want him watching that. And we've sat together and watched 300 and We Were Soldiers, and he didn't bat an eyelid. That trick with the pencil in the desk? Snapping the pool cue in half? Dark, indeed. And that shit the Joker did with his tongue was just creepy. Roger Ebert talking-about-Hermione -Granger-creepy.
And that's about it, people. Hopefully some sumptuous photos of Dublin next week. Til then, I'm off to make my neighbours' ears weep with a liddle bidda geetar practice.
* Every time you see one of these, my browser kicks me off and tries to trick me into downloading an XP antivirus, and I have to reopen the post as an edit. If this post ends abruptly, it's because I've thrown my disease-riddled, obsolete, piece-of-shit-fucking laptop into the courtyard for the seagulls to use as target practice.
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