Some dreck starring trout-with-a-fwip-fauxhawk David Schwimmer and an embarassed-looking Jason Lee. Trying to sell David Schwimmer as a lothario is a bit like Julian Clary making a bid for UFC Champion. In fact; bad example. Because I'd want to watch that, and at least it wouldn't last 90 minutes.
Universal Soldier (as we're in Brussels, I'm assuming they show a Jean-Claude Van Damme movie every Friday night).
A mystery-thriller with Halle Berry and Bruce Willis. Except with no mystery and no thrills. had I watched the end of this, I sense it would have been tied with Jodie Foster-vehicle Flight Plan as the worst piece of shit I've ever slept through.
Harry Potter en Francais.
Actually, that list is a mixed bag of animal faeces, with some rusty razor-blades thrown in for giggles. But all that was redeemed last night. Nothing could, can ever, top The Empire Strikes Back in French. I've got to hand it to the dubbing guys; the French Darth Vader sounds gooood, yo. All syrupy-smooth evil echoing round in a shiny plastic bucket. And I was man-crushing on Monsieur Solo something terrible. I mean more than normal.

Also I'm getting addicted to the site-traffic kajigger I added to the page. My most popular post by a long chalk is a brief piece I did on Operation Market Garden and it gets shitloads of hits from Google Images. Don't know why. But I also get visits to a piece I did on the Munich Olympics debacle when anyone types in coca cola wayne rooney mask.
Now, I'm all for learning about the most important event of the 20th Century. But why the fuck would anyone go to the bother of searching for a Wayne Rooney mask on the internet? It's time to go outside, people. So just as an experiment, which has nothing to do with boosting my ego by way of tricking people into visiting my humble cul de sac, I shall be adding some daft shit to the labels on this post. I know you just can't wait to see the results
1 comment:
My worst "Dubbed TV Moment"? Watching "The Flintstones" in French one day while high in Quebec... I mean, their names aren't even the same! It took me ages to figure out who they were talking to/about!
On a separate note: it's weird what stuff gets hit. For my money, the post I did about Porfirio Rubirosa is my big draw right now, although the number of hits I get from places like Saudi Arabia about gay porn stars is odd and yet not.
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