Friday, January 30, 2009
Bless you, anonymous woman! And thank you, shitty laptop!

Thursday, January 29, 2009
Fuck you, anonymous woman! And fuck you, shitty laptop!

To illustrate that point, here's a monkey.
I was just outbid on a sleepsuit. For my baby, not me... Except I didn't get outbid. I got banjaxed by my shitty 9-year-old laptop.
I've been watching this particular piece of adorable babywear for 5 days now. 5 days of checking and fretting. I was actually beginning to treat it as a baby. I'm to blame really. I got sweaty palms as the clock ran down on my coveted item. Fearful of the laptop that time forgot and the temperamental wireless connection, I spunked too early and put my bid in with 20 seconds to spare.
Things were good; I was ahead. Then I had a panic attack and tried to put in another higher bid. Pushing the left click on my mousepad 3 times inside a minute is never agreeable to my computer. So the thing froze. And some bitch (I'd name her but I want to retain a modicum of decorum, so let's just call her Whorebag) outbid my original stake by 50 pence.
I've just torn a plastic water-bottle in half. IN HALF, people. I don't think even Geoff Capes can do that.
But, you can't win 'em all I suppose. I once placed a bid on a brown leather jacket because it was so similar to the one I already owned that I couldn't bear the thought of someone else owning it. Scoring my chicks. Looking all dealer-ish.
I won that but the guy's Paypal wasn't working and I became convinced he was trying to steal my identity. I've never paid for it. Then again, I've never worn it. It's languishing on my dad's coat=rack. And he's never worn it either. Weed was bad for me in many, many ways.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Public Service Announcement

Is the nightmare over? Can I get up now?
But no-one paid any attention to that because there was a 'miracle' in New York. The miracle being, I suppose, that the stuff airline companies tell you to do in the safety booklet may actually save lives, rather than just reassure nervy passengers. I'm one of the many who've stopped looking, pretty certain that if we hit water, or terra firma, I'm going to fucking die.
Anyway, I don't want to pour water on the skills of the pilot or anything, and it's great that no-one was injured or killed. So well done, 'Sully'. Nope, what's pissing me off today is this...

Friday, January 16, 2009
You in the back! yes, you, with the trilby and the hunched shoulders...

Saturday, January 3, 2009
Top ten films I finally got around to watching on DVD or in-flight entertainment

Iron Man
I didn’t see all of this as the pilot couldn’t shut his yap for more than 5 minutes consecutively but it had AC/DC, explosions and Robert Downey Jr with a nightlight in his chest so it was a winner.
In Bruges
I actually really loved this. I normally shy away from the Farrell-bag, but he’s great here; sulking around, dragging his feet like a petulant child. The mix of un-PC belly laughs and cruel sadness was just right. Let down only by the lightly sketched love interest. It was obviously necessary but smacked a bit of under-developed college writing. Of which I am an expert.
There Will be Milkshake.. I mean, blood
I’m a bit thick for films like this. Probably why Davey isn’t talking to me anymore because I slagged off No Country for Old Men. But I did enjoy it. Beautifully shot, a Shining-esque soundtrack, brilliant performances from old Daniel and that creepy preacher kid. I liked the ambiguity of the thing; unlike so many films the plot and writing didn’t lead you by the hand the whole way then give you a lolly for not nodding off.
School of Rock
I can take or leave Jack Black. But a harmless cookie-cutter movie that caused my lip to curl into a half-sneer once or twice.
50 First Dates
A weird mix of slapstick and shameless sentimentality, with a perverse undertone. And yet I still enjoyed it and blubbed at the end.
Pan’s Labyrinth
I stayed up late to watch this one night and I really enjoyed the contrast between whimsy and brutal reality.
The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe
Strangely reminiscent of the BBC serialisation way back in the late 80’s or possibly early 90s, I’m far too lazy to check. I also watched the more brutal Prince Caspian this Christmas. The joy of having kids in the house. Disney succeeded in not completely killing it with their own brand of idealism and I didn’t want to smack any of the kids with a snow-dappled fir-branch, so it goes down as a success.
The Golden Compass
Christ. With a lead actress who makes plywood gaze longingly at her performances and swoon ‘wow, she’s just.. so.. wooden’ and Ian Mckellen voicing an alcoholic polar bear, this was about 7 shades of shit.
OK, so it's not ten. But I slept on a tour-bus last night and I've got work to do so get off my back, alright?