Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Just Checking In
Our Belgian bus driver didnt have a permit to drive there and so he was arrested at the border checkpoint (apparently there is a border checkpoint) so the Orchestra only made it to the venue 45 minutes before showtime. But the show must go on, and so it did. I didnt have time to catch a nap, unlike everyone else, and we spent another night on the bus before heading to the airport for a flight to Toronto, transferring in Chicago.
Hence, the stage was set for my boss' crowning glory, officially The Biggest Show on Earth(tm).
A year of work, 80 sea containers, 700 tons of steel, 20,000 balloons, 1000 moving lights, 2 ice rinks, 2 fountains, 6 specially-imported Lipizzaner stallions pulling a golden coach, 3 Guinness World Records and no sleep.
But does anyone care?
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Post Mortem

Friday, October 26, 2007
Call of the Scrote

Monday, October 1, 2007
Tuning in Tokyo
Monday, September 17, 2007
It was 63 years ago today...

Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Uneducated Guess
So I've decided to post a regular feature on this, my little-viewed blog. I may or may not post this feature every Wednesday. I haven't decided yet. But I'm going to call it, yep, you guessed it, 'Uneducated Guess'.
This week; Sarah Silverman.
Here she is, looking quite sexy and attempting to shove a tin of soup into her sweat pants.
On the strength of the information I've so far gathered (she has a TV show and has done a lot of expensive photoshoots), I'm going to take an uneducated guess and say that she's
- East-coast
- Jewish
- Uber-cool (see above)
- Stand-up comic
- A lesbian
So, please, fill me in. That is to say, give me information.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Tank You Very Much
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
The Quiet Man
In a world of mid-life crises and weekend motorcyclists, my dad remains a true man of the woods. Just as the sun will rise in the early maudley, so my dad would turn up filthy at 5 oclock every night and eat his tea whilst watching Neighbours. I used to believe him when he'd come back with a bag full of fish on autumn nights, saying he'd opened the back doors of the van by the riverbank and the fish just jumped in.
I regret the fuzzy contempt I held for him when I was 19 or so (ten freakin years ago!) and working with him as a lumberjack. In my defense I was a terrible pothead- waking up at 5am to drive to Scotland and drag a steel rope up a muddy hill was never going to be easy. Tree-murder is a pretty dangerous job. Nature will bite back at any given opportunity. Despite a catalogue of injuries, he still finds time to get on the European history trail with this, his 1938 Matador, lovingly restored from scrap.

Easily as hard and as resourceful as Jason Bourne, I'd say. Obviously this is a bit of a mushy post, but I feel my dad deserves some credit, even as I continually let him down. And if you don't like it, I'll set The Beard on you.
Monday, August 13, 2007
I Don't Like Mondays
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
All Farewells Should Be Sudden

- Ashcroft gigs are awash with dad-rock fans- the type who clog the bathrooms at Oasis and Paul Weller gigs
- Given 'Mad Richard's self-confessed ego-tripping, there is the strong possibility that the album will come out sounding not unlike one of his solo efforts, only with added mooching guitars courtesy of McCabe. (He is the only member not to appear on Ashcroft's previous solo efforts.)
- Most likely they'll try with a couple of producers, maybe Owen Morris and Flood, possibly even someone like James Lavelle, before sacking everyone and producing it themselves, creating a soupy, whining mass.
- There is no denying this band find it difficult to work together. No doubt they'll honour the gigs they've already advertised, but if they're already experiencing difficulties and burn-out, the gigs will be a heartbreaking whimper. We're talking a letdown of Stone Roses at Reading proportions. The chances of them staying together past Christmas are slimmer than Ashcroft himself.
So, there you go. They're coming back and that's that. They don't have a record label yet, but that doesn't seem to matter. No doubt the bidding war is currently under way, as it's a guaranteed cash-cow, and the royalties should keep Richard in black jeans and V-neck T-shirts for a good few years to come. Just don't go swiping any obscure Rolling Stones instrumental spin-offs this time, eh lads?
Friday, June 15, 2007
Life Is Not a Rehearsal
This feeling of hopelessness is confirmed with the lyrics of Northern Soul 'This is the tale of a Northern soul, looking to find his way back home'....'I wanna see if you know me, I was born in a rented room, my mother didn't get no flowers, Dad didn't approve of me, do you?' It goes on like this.
'Drive You Home' is an achingly mournful comedown-song, with lead guitarist Nick McCabe switching seamlessly from the swirling riffs of 'Soul' to the smacked-out reverb on 'Home'.
'History' follows, with it's heavy strings and extrapolated (let's just say swiped) lyrics from Blake's 'London'- 'I wander lonely streets, beside where the old Thames does flow, and in every face I meet, reminds me of what I've run from'. The rest of the album continues in this way, each song linked to the last in the same way that to hear a track from 'BloodSugarSexMagick' in a compilation or on shuffle is... just not right. 'No Knock on my Door' tells the tale of lost virginity and devotion, and Ashcroft sounds as if he's drunkenly singing through bitter tears until he's drowned by McCabe's heavy guitar. The remaining tracks are like the calm period after sex, or sunrise after a heavy night, reminiscent of their earlier stoned grooves but with a new-found power driving the melody and the incantatory lyrics.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007
It shouldn't happen to a production manager
Monday, June 4, 2007

Saturday, May 19, 2007
Scenes From a Mall
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Wake up, Brain. Final warning...

Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Pulling in America
Woe, woe, woe, Sweet Child o’Mine

I’m also in the shallow depths of a kind of … apathy. It’s not depression. Or misery. Just a kind of “OK, I’m bored of this now, I want to go back to England and drink brandy and ginger with my lunch again.’’
I shouldn’t complain. I’m very lucky to be in employment at all. This is, for some people, a dream-job. But a dream-job should be unattainable. If it’s attainable it’s just a job. That’s why rock-stars are so miserable and difficult. Apart from Dave Grohl of course, he seems lovely.
Maybe I’ve just got a cob-on because I should have had a day off in Lille the other day, but I ended up in Maastricht huffing cases around in a fucking sleet-storm, sleeping on a bus. My only respite was being called from crowded bars in Lille by various crew-members who wanted me to change their departure time in the morning.
The driver’s right fucking there next to you, chatting up a fifteen-year-old in a gold alice-band. You ask him.
There’s also the lurking feeling that I could get fired at any moment. I narrowly avoided it after the Blackout in Berlintm and it seems I’m getting closer by the day. The last guy’s only crime was lasting so long he required a permanent contract. Eep. That said, he could have been on the rob. I’ll never know.
Perhaps I deserve it of course. I’ve spent most of this morning trying to download a picture of Moomintroll. For a currently unknown purpose.
Still, if I got the boot, I know I’d be, for want of a better word that isn’t ‘devastated’, gutted. I’d probably cry a little bit. Then I’d be back in England, wondering what I could possibly do that I won’t be bored of in a month. The obvious answer is, of course, nothing. Work is for chumps. I read a bit of Monsterwork’s stellar blog where he said he was broody. I’m sure I’ll change my mind tomorrow but it occurred to me earlier that men want kids so that they have something to force them to work full-time. Otherwise you’d just shit on the boss’s laptop, kick the shit out of the snack-machine and go home to play Halo ’til the pub opened.
Sigh… Sorry, I shall endeavour to have a more upbeat entry next time. Or at least one with some purpose and a nice photograph.
I go to the States in two weeks. The work is the same of course, but it’s just so much easier to pull.
Friday, March 9, 2007
Monday, March 5, 2007
Hitler's Playground
I skipped breakfast in favour of more sleep and forced myself up at 11 after a bit of TV. There's nothing like Al Jazeera to get you up and about.
Armed with my camera and PLO scarf I headed into the old town. It is such a joy just to be out in the sunshine after spending 16hours a day in ice-hockey arenas almost every day since Christmas. The old-town is a walled mini-city with a river running through it and a bank leading up to a castle dating from the 1200s or so. A bit like Durham but every other person isn't wearing a pashmeena and Ugg boots.
Blackout in Berlin

We'd finish at around 11.30, a half-hour drive to the hotel, ten minutes to check in then a half-hour drive back. The club is an old Burlesque place called the Winterhalle so I was looking forward to Liza Minelli-alikes sashaying up and down the bar hitting people with a cane.
I didnt relish the prospect of commencing libations at 12.30 so I hit upon a masterstroke- drink as much beer on the bus as possible, therefore being tipsy when i got there, dancing and flirting for two hours then going back to my suite (the only perk of booking the rooms) to "close the curtains'' (see previous blog) and awake early to explore the old East Germany before work at 12.30.
I also had some free drinks tickets for the hotel and surmised it would be wrong not to wring as much out of them as possible.
So I was pretty trashed when I arrived, black shirt half unbuttoned, and was quickly accosted by said Chilean for some salsa dancing. She gave me her badly-made Caiprinha which had the texture of broken glass. This happened four or five times.
Then I had a bitof a boogie with Dawn from the Gospels, another reason for me to be nervous. We've been on dates in Maastricht but she broke the news to me that, although rocky, she has a boyfriend in New York. Presumably who weighs 18-stone and wouldn't think twice about poppin a cap in a honky's ass.
So I babbled some incoherent 'I'm not avoiding you, I just feel a little nervous because I really like you and I wish something could happen between and I'd like to wear your ass as a hat for all eternity' She looked suitably bemused.
Then I opted to stick with my pal Tim, who told Laura that I'd slept with one of the other Gospels on a previous bender. It was better that sleeping on the bus anyway so I figured what the hell?
Then someone put a wreath of flowers on my head and the rest, as they say, is black.
I woke butt naked up in my suite at 11am with no recollection of leaving the club or anything afterwards. I was actually afraid to turn over inc ase there was a burly hell's angel there. Amazingly I had my camera and everything else with me, and no visible signs of vomitus.
It was check-out time so I retreated to the bus and tried to sleep, but just lay there for 3 hours, my mouth watering.
My boss doesn't drink. Never has. Not even coffee. He was hella pissed at me.
So as well as that awful feeling of not knowing what I'd done and to whom, there was the very real possibility of being fired. The boss would barely look me in the eye.
Every crew-member I passed would smirk upon sight and make the usual standard wisecracks so I felt it necessary to apologise to every female orchestra-member I may have come into contact with.
At the end of the night Pierre announced he'd be gone for a week and I was in charge in his absence. Which I guess is why I wasn't fired on the spot.
So now I have a week to straighten up, fly right and hope nothing bad happens so I can worm my way back into favour.
On the plus-side though, it's probably made me closer to the other crew-members. Apparently I was 'funny-drunk', not swearing or smashing things. Richard the light-guy had seen me in the lobby at about 7am, trying to get another drink with the aforementioned wreath of flowers still on my head.
I think Dawn, a non-drinker, was a bit shocked at my state though. So that's probably the end of that one. Now I have to convince Laura that I didn't sleep with the other Gospelleria if I'm ever to get into that bodice.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
City of Broken Dreams
Im in Munich today, and we're in the Olympia Halle. I was impressed with the architecture as soon as I stumbled off the bus into the somewhat milder chill of the morning, but it didn't really sink in as to where I was for a while. Usually I see the same posters at every venue we play - we were one day ahead of Shakira for a while, Roger Whittaker is never far behind us, and so forth. But I noticed some different ones today- Wrestlemania, Meatloaf, Manowar, Beyonce, even Snoop and P Diddy. Or Grandmaster Chocopop or whatever he's calling himself this week. Then light dawned on Marble Head. Olympic Park. This is where it all 'went down' in 1972.
If you've seen One Day In September you can skip this paragraph.
Brief, probably highly inaccurate history lesson; Germany getting the '72 Olympics was a big deal. After the Jesse Owen thing, and all the bad press the Germans had, they were looking to make some much needed revenue to restabilise their economy and also to change their image as fascist bastards.
So they got into the Olympics in a big way. Using a man-made hill (rubble from Bomber Harris' visit in the war), they created a beautiful, ultra-modern Olympic Village. They kept security at a minimum to boost the friendly image they were hankering for.
Then of course, it all went tits when a Palestinian group calling themselves Black September invaded the village, killing two Israeli competitors and holding 11 others hostage. Thus began the world's first televised terrorist crisis, which unfolded as athletes just outside the Israeli buildings did push-ups and chatted up fans.
So unfolded a real-life drama with a bizarre character in a Panama hat at the centre, and one of the stupidest moves by Security Forces since Mussolini's bodyguard said"It's OK Duce, they seem a bit pissed off but Im sure if you go out there and talk to them in that arrogant style of yours, you'll win them over again"
They attempted an SAS-style embassy siege but forgot to tell the TV crews to switch off their cameras, and the Terror-types watched as they approached and duly repelled them. Then there was a bizarre race to the airport where German police shot each other in a crossfire. The hostages were bundled onto a helicopter which was promptly blown up. Some American Newscaster wrapped it up with "They're all gone"...He may then have said "drink Coca Cola for a happy Olympics."
Walking around the Olympic Park, as joggers and school-kids passed by, I had a real sense of sadness. It's still well-maintained and in use, but the majestic architecture and beautiful landscaping can't mask the ugliness of what happened here. The Germans had their dream hijacked for a political cause most of them probably had little idea about.
Now, I'm a cynical bastard. I'd be happier if England didn't qualify for the European or World Cup. I cringe every time they scrape a win against a side they should, by rights, walk all over. You won't catch me wearing a cut-out Wayne Rooney mask from the Scum or flying the "Im a casual racist" flag from my car window. It's not that I'm unpatriotic as such, but a pessimist is never disappointed. Even I get emotional when they trot out that slo-mo montage to a piece of classical music, or Embrace or fucking whatever. Only last time they didn't even have any highlights to show us. Just Owen falling over and Wayne-y looking all frustrated. Oh, and Lampard missing everything.
I've gotten off the point somewhat here, but I wasn't happy when 'we' got the Olympics either. It seems to me to be a huge waste of tax-payers' money, and the only sectors of the economy to benefit are global brands, chain-hotels and airline companies. At least there's no fervent patriotism involved though. If Great Britain get a medal it's a bonus, and maybe a rower can get a book-deal out of it. Big whoop. Is Seb Coe going to be knocking on doors explaining to people why they have to leave the home they've lived in for 40 years to make way for a bike-track?
Im straying off the point again. I haven't seen Munich. I watched Minority Report and thought, "oh-oh, Spielberg's going through his Jewish menopause and continuing to force it upon us. Nice cast but it's a thank-you, no.' Meanwhile everyone who saw Eric Bana in Hulk rushed to see it and came out going, "That was fucking pointless and depressing. Isn't the world an awful place." Which, I assume, was the point.
The point. How elusive. What was it, you're asking. I dunno anymore, but I wanted to write something down about being here. I can't help but wonder what lessons the powers that be will take regarding security at the London Olympics. But suffice to say it'll be a nightmare. I live nowhere near it and it's 5 years away. But I'm worrying already. I hope Seb Coe has a good supply of Grecian 2012.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
A funny thing happened on the way to Oberhausen
We just did 7 straight shows in a row. Our driver is a crotchety get at the best of times but my boss has just banned smoking on the bus, so this fucker is driving extra fast to make up for the time lost while he takes smoke-breaks or the dog stops to do his curly business. It's like trying to sleep in a rock-tumbler.
The hall in Munster was too small for our production so we were late getting out and the next show was a 6pm start so we had to get up extra early.
So i only skulled one beer instead of the usual 2 beers/2 toasties and went to bed, relishing my five hours of sleep. I passed out pretty much straight away but I was awoken by screaming.
When you're tired as hell on a pitch-black tourbus, on the top bunk, the fight-or-flight theory doesn't really come into play.
My immediate though was 'shit! gypsies!' but I was too tired to peep out of my curtains so I just turned up my i-pod and waited for the yelling to stop. If it was pre-ordained that I die at the hands of some Romanian skull-fucker who sold his sister to a Japanese businessman, then so be it.
Obviously though, I'm still here. Turns out one of the bunk-beds had inexplicably collapsed onto our security guy in the bunk below. Of the 8 passengers on the bus, 3 slept through it, including the girl in the offending bed. If it had been the other way around, and the guard had been above the wardrobe girl, this would be less a blog, more an epitaph.
Instead it's a barely amusing anecdote which stands out as memorable solely because the rest of the work is SO DULL.
Don't bother Davey, you know this story...
But no, I was asked by the nervous German receptionist to come downstairs right away as the Polizei wanted to speak to me about a report made by members of the public…
10 blurry minutes later Im shaking hands with 2 leather-clad dykey Polizei, attempting to decipher what’s ‘gone down’.
Turns out one of our Canadian guys had checked in, stripped naked and treated 30 or so elderly ladies working in the call centre opposite his window to a rendition of ‘If I was a rich man’ on the pink oboe.
We all shared a bit of nervous laughter about it, but jacking off in front of a bunch of old ladies is not cool. We had to do some Pink Panther-style investigation, me in a knee-length coat and the dykes banging on the potential flasher’s door and shouting ‘Open ze door, Polizei!’ This of course brought several other semi-naked crew members and civilians into the corridor for a look-see.
It was then confirmed by the aforementioned old ladies, as I’d suspected, that we had the wrong room. I tripped over the suitcase, Clouseau style and we went to interrogate the real suspect.
Being a French-Canadian, this led to many comical misunderstandings and wild gesticulation. But he’d done enough of that already and he was carted away by the swine. They kept him at the station for about 6 hours then when he returned I handed him his tickets for Dortmund-Frankfurt, Frankfurt-Zurich and Zurich-Montreal. Then I went to wash my hands.
I thought I’d seen everything, but watching on as two German dykes stand over a terrified, topless Quebecan and ask ‘did you or did you not stroke your pennis (sic) to the window?” was a new one to me.
So, not every day is the same.
Thursday, February 8, 2007
Up yours, myspice, you smell and I'm moving out

So begins a new chapter in history. Personal history of course. I tried to do this a couple of weeks ago but it was all in German and I'm limited to asking for new electrical tape in a loud voice.
I had a go at blogging on Myspace but no fucker reads it, presumably because it's not a questionnaire crafted by a social retard in Crested Butte, Ohio who wants to find out if you're into cornholing. Or potholing, I wasn't paying attention.
So hopefully vicariously Davey's intelligent new pals will read my forthcoming blogs and say (to themselves, obviously) "between the trite rants and the defeatist attitude, this guy's alright. I suppose." Plus maybe I can put pictures onto it. I really don't have the computer-smarts to make this sort of thing eye-catching.
hrumph. Still, I'm in Bremen today and the video-shop didn't lie to me; it's full of muppets.