Wednesday, February 14, 2007

City of Broken Dreams

Corn-ball title, I know. But it's Valentine's Day and i can be as schmaltzy as i want. Fear not, this isn't a rant from a dateless wonder. Well, it is, but it's not about Love Day.
Im in Munich today, and we're in the Olympia Halle. I was impressed with the architecture as soon as I stumbled off the bus into the somewhat milder chill of the morning, but it didn't really sink in as to where I was for a while. Usually I see the same posters at every venue we play - we were one day ahead of Shakira for a while, Roger Whittaker is never far behind us, and so forth. But I noticed some different ones today- Wrestlemania, Meatloaf, Manowar, Beyonce, even Snoop and P Diddy. Or Grandmaster Chocopop or whatever he's calling himself this week. Then light dawned on Marble Head. Olympic Park. This is where it all 'went down' in 1972.

If you've seen One Day In September you can skip this paragraph.
Brief, probably highly inaccurate history lesson; Germany getting the '72 Olympics was a big deal. After the Jesse Owen thing, and all the bad press the Germans had, they were looking to make some much needed revenue to restabilise their economy and also to change their image as fascist bastards.
So they got into the Olympics in a big way. Using a man-made hill (rubble from Bomber Harris' visit in the war), they created a beautiful, ultra-modern Olympic Village. They kept security at a minimum to boost the friendly image they were hankering for.

Then of course, it all went tits when a Palestinian group calling themselves Black September invaded the village, killing two Israeli competitors and holding 11 others hostage. Thus began the world's first televised terrorist crisis, which unfolded as athletes just outside the Israeli buildings did push-ups and chatted up fans.

So unfolded a real-life drama with a bizarre character in a Panama hat at the centre, and one of the stupidest moves by Security Forces since Mussolini's bodyguard said"It's OK Duce, they seem a bit pissed off but Im sure if you go out there and talk to them in that arrogant style of yours, you'll win them over again"
They attempted an SAS-style embassy siege but forgot to tell the TV crews to switch off their cameras, and the Terror-types watched as they approached and duly repelled them. Then there was a bizarre race to the airport where German police shot each other in a crossfire. The hostages were bundled onto a helicopter which was promptly blown up. Some American Newscaster wrapped it up with "They're all gone"...He may then have said "drink Coca Cola for a happy Olympics."

Walking around the Olympic Park, as joggers and school-kids passed by, I had a real sense of sadness. It's still well-maintained and in use, but the majestic architecture and beautiful landscaping can't mask the ugliness of what happened here. The Germans had their dream hijacked for a political cause most of them probably had little idea about.

Now, I'm a cynical bastard. I'd be happier if England didn't qualify for the European or World Cup. I cringe every time they scrape a win against a side they should, by rights, walk all over. You won't catch me wearing a cut-out Wayne Rooney mask from the Scum or flying the "Im a casual racist" flag from my car window. It's not that I'm unpatriotic as such, but a pessimist is never disappointed. Even I get emotional when they trot out that slo-mo montage to a piece of classical music, or Embrace or fucking whatever. Only last time they didn't even have any highlights to show us. Just Owen falling over and Wayne-y looking all frustrated. Oh, and Lampard missing everything.

I've gotten off the point somewhat here, but I wasn't happy when 'we' got the Olympics either. It seems to me to be a huge waste of tax-payers' money, and the only sectors of the economy to benefit are global brands, chain-hotels and airline companies. At least there's no fervent patriotism involved though. If Great Britain get a medal it's a bonus, and maybe a rower can get a book-deal out of it. Big whoop. Is Seb Coe going to be knocking on doors explaining to people why they have to leave the home they've lived in for 40 years to make way for a bike-track?

Im straying off the point again. I haven't seen Munich. I watched Minority Report and thought, "oh-oh, Spielberg's going through his Jewish menopause and continuing to force it upon us. Nice cast but it's a thank-you, no.' Meanwhile everyone who saw Eric Bana in Hulk rushed to see it and came out going, "That was fucking pointless and depressing. Isn't the world an awful place." Which, I assume, was the point.

The point. How elusive. What was it, you're asking. I dunno anymore, but I wanted to write something down about being here. I can't help but wonder what lessons the powers that be will take regarding security at the London Olympics. But suffice to say it'll be a nightmare. I live nowhere near it and it's 5 years away. But I'm worrying already. I hope Seb Coe has a good supply of Grecian 2012.

1 comment:

Daniel said...

I liked Hulk too, (especially when he's hiding in the trees, for some reason.

I'll watch Munich when I get back. Then I'll probably spend weeks trying to get an exact replica of Eric Bana's jacket.