I'm in Munich again. Tthird time, as previously featured
here and
here*. This must be my favourite venue, for the majesty of the architecture, the tragic history and the pretzels. Three years on the trot, and it's been different every time. The first was, undoubtedly, the best. It was a bit later in the year (Valentine's Day to be exact), spring was in the air and I had a dog to babysit. When my boss was still on tour he brought his puppy on the bus, and left him with me a lot. It was a bit demeaning, and I grumbled, but honestly, I was glad of the company. It was the first time I felt any attachment to a venue, the first one that had any character or history.
Last year when we came back it was grim. Cold, wet, a building-site in and out. Whole sections of the arena were off limits and there was cement-dust in the air. The disappointment only added to my general unhappiness.
This year they've at least finished workng inside, and the heaps of rubble outdoors are dusted with snow. It was -10 here last night. I assume that's celsius.

However, this time I have the best feeling; I've got a great girl and we're in love, in 3 months we'll have a son (unless that doctor guy doesn't know his nads from his tootsies), I'm in control of my more dangerous and damaging habits and I finally understand what the rest of the guys on my bus are talking about. it's still no more interesting, but at least I know they're not slagging me off.
So, on the first day of the second month of the ninth year of the second millennium (may require correction), I wish you all even a slice of the happiness I'm feeling right now.
Don't worry, I'll be back to moaning in a couple of days.
*Not real links. Sorry. Use the search doohickey if you're that interested. Please. The first one is actually pretty good.
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