Monday, September 17, 2007

It was 63 years ago today...

Today sees the anniversary of the launch of Operation Market Garden, made famous by Dickie Attenborough and a huge list of celebrities in what Davey coined "A Bridge Too Far... An Hour Too Long". Dodgy accents (Gene Hackman, I'm looking in your direction) aside, it's a faithful account of the single biggest military blunder of World War II. Had the mission gone as planned, it would have opened up the route into Germany and the war would have been over by Christmas, but the Allies were blighted by a shortage of gliders and drop-planes, fog, flooded roads, misplaced supply drops and poor communications (the wrong crystals were packed for the radios, rendering them useless).
I was in Arnhem for a show this week so that added to my regular history obsession. If anyone's offended by the photo.. well... tough. It's the only one I could find with the genuine bridge in it that was a decent size, and the cover art for the film has MGM Classic stamped over it so deal with it.

As you were...

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Uneducated Guess

Aah, the publicity machine. Sometimes you get caught up, sometimes it just rolls right on by. There are certain people and events that slip completely under my radar. I have no time to prepare myself or decide that I hate the person and/or thing before they're right up in my face, screaming for my attention.
So I've decided to post a regular feature on this, my little-viewed blog. I may or may not post this feature every Wednesday. I haven't decided yet. But I'm going to call it, yep, you guessed it, 'Uneducated Guess'.
This week; Sarah Silverman.
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Here she is, looking quite sexy and attempting to shove a tin of soup into her sweat pants.
On the strength of the information I've so far gathered (she has a TV show and has done a lot of expensive photoshoots), I'm going to take an uneducated guess and say that she's

  • East-coast
  • Jewish
  • Uber-cool (see above)
  • Stand-up comic
  • A lesbian

So, please, fill me in. That is to say, give me information.