Friday, May 22, 2009

How to get ahead in your armpit II- The Re-Dressing

In the previous episode, Pretty Boy went to Pittsburgh and got his boil lanced. This week, our hero and his owner take on the mean streets of Detroit...

It went from scary to weird to hilarious. First the runner drops us at the wrong hospital, but we are given directions and put on a shuttle bus. Then another shuttle bus, whereupon Pretty Boy sees the word 'emergency' and decides we should go in, even though it clearly isn't the ER we've been directed to.

We go into the waiting room, the only white people (apart from the armed guard), speak to the sullen jobsworth at the desk and put Pieter's name and time an a clipboard. In the corner is probably the fattest guy I've ever seen, clutching a pair of hot-pink running shoes. The woman next to us is eating Cheez-its and occasionally burping/hacking/prolapsing.

Someone has their name called and a guy who looks like Wee-Bey in The Wire got up and went to the desk:
"This guy come in 20 minutes after me, he gettin registered before me. I jus had a kidney traaaansplaaant, you don't get me in there soon so's I can get mah medsin, ahm gonna hafta start doin sumtin."

He receives pretty much the same blank stare we got when I said "Good afternoon, we're looking for the walk-in center? My colleague needs to have his wound dressed."

The waiting room starts to fill up. The thing is, people are just walking in and ignoring the desk; they weren't signing the clipboard as far as I could see. Anyhoos we're finally called to the bulletproof glass and Precious Byrd processes Pretty Boy. A woman behind us calls her mother and goes into a spiel:
"Come get me up out this mu'fucker. I stay here any longer ahm gonn start hurtin folks."

Maw: "Why? What's wrong?"

"Ah got chest flutters and mah head hurts"

Maw: "No, I mean why you wanna leave?"

"These dudes getting registered before me and I was here before 'em."

Maw: "Maybe he got a serious condition'

"It ain't that serious"

Maw: "How you know?"

"Cause ah seen 'em walk in.."

She rants for another minute or so before leaving in faux-disgust.
Fucking genius. It's becoming clear that the desperately poor in Western society are lacking pretty much anything more than the most rudimentary survival skills. But the sense of entitlement required to plonk yourself in a seat and expect the staff to know who you are and what's wrong with you seems a little much.

Anyway, a few uncomfortable minutes and we go through to Triage, where I overhear the nurse asking Pretty Boy about prostitutes and marijuana.

Then we go into a curtained room opposite some guy who looks like he's 5 minutes from death and explain, again, why we're there, where he was treated last time and so forth. The nurse is nice, kinda like Barbra Streisand with a tongue stud. She and the doctor are pretty shocked that the doctor in Pittsburgh gave him antibiotics but told him not to take them unless there was a flare-up. They pull his sterile strip out and decide that, for safety's sake, it's tetanus time.

Then it gets weird. Another doctor comes in, then the ward supervisor, then a woman called Hightower; the Customer Service Officer. I suspect she's ambling for free tickets. Then I overhear Pretty Boy can't be discharged until the International Officer comes by for an interview... So the international guy comes in, takes all his payment information, again. Checks his card and so forth and then Nurse Babs returns with the tetanus jab.

She's already given him 2 painkillers and she starts cleaning the.. insertion spot, for want of a better word.

Suddenly her arm jerks back in this Psycho/Jason Voories motion and Pretty Boy pretty much wet his pants. "No! No, not like that" "Please, no, it will hurt too much!" and backing away from her until he almost falls off the bed. I can see pure fear in his eyes. He's silently begging me to whack this psycho with a drip-stand so he can escape in his bed-gown.

It. Was. Piss-funny.

Nurse Babs is reassuring. She's dealt with whining pussies before, evidently.
"Come on, baby, I won't hurt you, it'll be real quick.' He's squirming and whining and looking at me, fucking terrified. I'm in stitches. I think the old guy across the way even perks up.

So the nurse uses a bit of machismo reverse-psychology and says 'come onnnn, be a man.' (Pretty Boy was born in 1988. eeeeeeeeeep)

He doesn't like that, and with a bit more coaxing he calms down and she jabs him, right to the hilt. He didn't feel a thing.

How to get ahead in your armpit

This tour is weird. I have a lot more free time, thank God. See, one of our crew (let's call him Pretty Boy, as he's 19 and looks like he came fresh from tryouts for Boy Story II- Back to the Log Cabin) arrived on tour with a medical problem. He likes to pretend he doesn't speak good English and he definitely gets treated a bit preferentially as he's basically everyone's kid brother. So muggins here gets to escort him on his trips to the E.R. See, Pretty Boy has something that looks a bit like this...

Only bigger and more angry. I'm talking Oprah when the wireless mic guy has eaten her fudgecake angry.

Now I would put my severed dick in a tub of Ben & Jerry's and go back to bed rather than go to A&E on a Sunday morning, but when pretty Boy started flashing the armpit around, it looked like it was time to jump in cab and head to the laughin'est place in Pittsburgh(TM).

If I'm honest, I was just glad to get out of the office and into the sunshine. I figured I'd be left in the waiting room and could soon sidle off to sun myself and look at buildings. Fortunately even the youth of Pittsburgh aren't as ridiculously irresponsible and brain-dead as the Brits, and it was pretty quiet. We signed in, went into Triage and then waited for a nurse and a doctor.

I figured by now I was pretty much here for the duration and I was looking forward to watching medical professionals slice that fucker open and squeeze of some pus. And so they did. Pretty Boy was pretty much just yelling 'fuck... fuck... it's too much... fuck...too much... fuck as they anaesthetised it, squeezed out the evil and rinsed it with salt-water. The doctor then packed the wound with sterile gauze, dressed it (terribly), gave him some Vicodin and antibiotics and we were on our way without paying a dollar.

If you're travelling short distances in the US, say a mile, it's usually quicker to walk for some reason. Plus we wanted to avoid work for a bit longer.

Pretty Boy was now in full patient mode, deciding he should take it easy for a few days and avoid all lifting. Sorry, but what lifting? He's the first guy to finish (after me anyway)and he constantly has 6 stagehands at his beck and call to handle the instruments.

Two days later, I'm helping him with his set-up and breakdown, more from sheer boredom on my part than actual need, and it's time to get his gauze pulled out and the wound redressed. In Detroit...

Stop the train, I want to get off

I'm in Milwaukee today, where apparently swine flu has 'gone airborne'. We're through the looking glass, people. They've recruited Chuck Norris.

At this very moment there is a Belgian at my desk rummaging through a box of 100 assorted bottles of hand sanitizer trying to decide which one will keep him safest - Atomic Apple or Blasting Blueberry.

By the end of the week we'll all be wearing masks and we'll have sacrificed one of the percussionists. The Belgian's still here, the fucking moron.

This is doing my head in- it even started affecting me in Chicago. I was pushing the elevator button with my elbow, flushing toilets with my foot. Every pint was like a dance with death. Or at least a small jig with a sniffle and a sore throat.

Contrary to company advice we did brave the plague and leave our hotel rooms on our only free day amid a twelve-show run. I mean, hello, who's cleaning rooms and serving you breakfast in American hotels? Where did this thing originate again?

Hit Lake Michigan's beach in the morning, sushi for lunch and wound up in the blues part of town watching a country-rock showcase with 3 bands based around Nashville. It was canny good actually. No attitude or posing or preening. Just good, fun country-rock, well-played.

Having stumbled into Little Italy in Baltimore (very Little- it was basically two guys in wife-beaters arguing over a parking space)and walking through Foxtown in Detroit after a trip to the ER, Chicago seemed pristine, leafy, safe. Even serene.

Now if you'll excuse me. I have to go and wash my hands.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Whatever floats yer boat...

I've no idea why, but this fills me with a mix of awe, contentment and excitement at the same time.

Like father, like son, I guess.