Friday, February 27, 2009

Outta my way, jerkass!

Ah, repetition. I'm in Stuttgart again, trying to remember where to put the merchandise. This is my last show in over 2 months, so I'm trying my best to be super-efficient, so as to leave on a good note and not be replaced while I'm on paternity leave. That said, there's not really much to do.

For anyone interested, here's my post from last time I was here- it has ineffectual middle-class terrorists...

In other news, mothers- hold onto your daughters, rabbits- stay in your holes; I am a motorist...

Yep, I've crashed a couple of cars, but I've never owned one before. I think I managed to pick up a speeding ticket within 5 minutes of getting behind the wheel (stupid 50-zones and signs being blocked by AA vans) but I finally understand the satisfaction a manly-man gets from polishing his throbbing beast on a Sunday morning.
Cleaning the car was alright, as well.


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